Friday 3 June 2011

'Gone' Michael Grant

Gone is the first book in the sci-fi series by Michael Grant. It takes place in Peridio Beach which is in California. In the first book “Gone” Sam is sitting in school when all his teachers and everyone over the age of fifteen disappears. Sam, Quinn (Sam`s best friend) and Astrid (Sam`s girlfriend) set out about town. They realise that there is a sort of force field around the town. They also find some of the kids have powers. Sam realises his power of shooting deadly light out of his hands is the most powerful. Then Sam finds his long, lost twin brother Caine Who plans to take over the town. Caine is also as powerful as Sam with his power of lifting objects without using his hands.

In the second book, Hunger, there is a fight with the darkness which is like an invincible power which needs a body. And in the third book, Lies, Sam and Astrid have a fight and Sam walks away when the town needs him the most. The next book will come out on April 2011 and I would recommend it to anyone.

Shuvam Sarkar

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